Loic wacquant punishing the poor
Loic wacquant punishing the poor

loic wacquant punishing the poor

Judicial stratification results from the length of sentence, where people with long sentences are confined in similar institutions and those with less than one year imprisonment in another nature of defense and a person’s access to legal help. Social differences arise in terms of gender, class and ethno-racial identity meaning that people in confinement stay, in groups, formed based on gender, class or race. The bases arise from the inmates’ experiences. The base for this is social and judicial.

loic wacquant punishing the poor

Stratification, in this system, is evident as shown by the author. For instance, the maximum security is in state prisons.

loic wacquant punishing the poor

These facilities are different in terms of structure, discipline, size, amenities and security level among others.


Municipal jails, where people with less than one year sentence and those waiting for trial are kept, state prisons, where those with more than one year sentence are held, and the federal prisons which hold persons prosecuted of contradicting the feudal penal code. The author explains the presence of three levels of a carceral system. They experience stratification and many challenges due to a lack of basic services, overcrowding and reduced recovery chances after release. Their population increases deteriorating accommodation facilities. Wacquant explains the state of carceral facilities and the hardships experienced by the confined people.

Loic wacquant punishing the poor